A selection of feedback received from students attending Jenny’s classes from 2012 to 2017

“Good Morning Jenny. I am delighted with my posture assessment; you put an incredible amount of work into the whole [Change Your Posture, Change Your Life] workshop and I am so appreciative, thank you.” Sue Robichaud, Nov. 2017
These two messages were sent via the Feedback form on Nature Wise Yoga in May 2014:
What did you like about the class you attended?
“I talked to you after class yesterday but I didn’t get across what I intended. Your class challenged me for sure. I have 20 years of yoga under my belt so I have tried many styles of yoga and instructors; [the yoga teacher you subbed for] is not my only point of reference. I love your class.”
What do you like about my style of teaching yoga?
“You hold a supportive and positive space. I appreciate the focus on body awareness throughout the class, in particular, certain techniques like the “sippy” breath. I LOVE that you brought in spaciousness into the class. Some instructors talk SO much they fill up all the empty spaces. I love that in your class I felt that there was space so that I could listen to the messages in my body. I personally think it is essential as hatha yoga is moving meditation (coming from the Yasodhara Ashram tradition). Because of all this, I did receive a strong message from my body in an area that has been feeling locked. And thank you for your positive approach and humour.”
Would you recommend my yoga classes to other people you know?
Is there anything I could do to improve your experience in the yoga classes I teach?
“Your class is perfect as it is. My ideal class also involves bringing in the symbolism of the different asanas from time to time, not in making suggestions but opening up the question of why an asana is that animal (for example) and how does that feel in the body, etc. But that is a personal interest for me from a particular tradition.”
Is there anything I can do to improve my approach to the teaching of yoga?
“Nope. I love your approach. Thank you for stepping up last minute to cover for [our regular teacher]!”Student name: Wendi
Class: Yoga Honey (Gratitude Theme)
Venue: Sleeping Dog Farm
“I talked to you after class yesterday but I didn’t get across what I intended. Your class challenged me for sure. I have 20 years of yoga under my belt so I have tried many styles of yoga and instructors; [the yoga teacher you subbed for] is not my only point of reference. I love your class.”
What do you like about my style of teaching yoga?
“You hold a supportive and positive space. I appreciate the focus on body awareness throughout the class, in particular, certain techniques like the “sippy” breath. I LOVE that you brought in spaciousness into the class. Some instructors talk SO much they fill up all the empty spaces. I love that in your class I felt that there was space so that I could listen to the messages in my body. I personally think it is essential as hatha yoga is moving meditation (coming from the Yasodhara Ashram tradition). Because of all this, I did receive a strong message from my body in an area that has been feeling locked. And thank you for your positive approach and humour.”
Would you recommend my yoga classes to other people you know?
Is there anything I could do to improve your experience in the yoga classes I teach?
“Your class is perfect as it is. My ideal class also involves bringing in the symbolism of the different asanas from time to time, not in making suggestions but opening up the question of why an asana is that animal (for example) and how does that feel in the body, etc. But that is a personal interest for me from a particular tradition.”
Is there anything I can do to improve my approach to the teaching of yoga?
“Nope. I love your approach. Thank you for stepping up last minute to cover for [our regular teacher]!”Student name: Wendi
Class: Yoga Honey (Gratitude Theme)
Venue: Sleeping Dog Farm
What did you like about the class you attended?
“Jenny – since starting with you in the fall [of 2013] I feel I have come a long way in my own practice! I really love the warrior dance & last night’s moon dance.”
What do you like about my style of teaching yoga?
“It is a very positive and mindful practice!”
Would you recommend my yoga classes to other people you know?
“Absolutely. I certainly miss my “fix” with your classes [on the weeks I can’t attend].”
Is there anything I could do to improve your experience in the yoga classes I teach?
Is there anything I can do to improve my approach to the teaching of yoga?
“No.”Student name: Karen
Class: Yoga for Active People
Venue: Burnside Gorge Community Centre
“Jenny – since starting with you in the fall [of 2013] I feel I have come a long way in my own practice! I really love the warrior dance & last night’s moon dance.”
What do you like about my style of teaching yoga?
“It is a very positive and mindful practice!”
Would you recommend my yoga classes to other people you know?
“Absolutely. I certainly miss my “fix” with your classes [on the weeks I can’t attend].”
Is there anything I could do to improve your experience in the yoga classes I teach?
Is there anything I can do to improve my approach to the teaching of yoga?
“No.”Student name: Karen
Class: Yoga for Active People
Venue: Burnside Gorge Community Centre
“Bendy Jenny,
Downward dog.
How I like
To bend with Feick!”
— Mary Munro, who has attended many of Jenny’s yoga classes at the Vic West Community Centre, posted this poem on the community wall at the Spiral Cafe and sent a copy to Nature Wise Yoga.
Downward dog.
How I like
To bend with Feick!”
— Mary Munro, who has attended many of Jenny’s yoga classes at the Vic West Community Centre, posted this poem on the community wall at the Spiral Cafe and sent a copy to Nature Wise Yoga.
Note: Feedback is not attributed to individuals out of respect for their privacy.