Natural High Yoga
Get a natural high from this unique and invigorating hatha flow yoga class with its nature appreciation themes. Gain strength, improve flexibility, enhance balance and release stress through rejuvenating breathing exercises, yoga postures, flowing movements, relaxation, and inspiring nature readings. The teacher provides alignment guidance and a range of options with increasing challenge, so all levels can play and progress.
Class One: Earth (building the foundation)
Class Two: Air (taking in prana)
Class Three: Water (being both strong and fluid)
Class Four: Fire (managing our energy levels)
Class Five: A Sacred Balance (rejuvenating body, mind and spirit)
Other potential names for this course include: Nature Wise Yoga, Yoga and Nature, Yoga in Praise of Nature, Yoga and the Sacred Elements of Nature, or the Nature Yoga Connection. There is also a version of this course with an African theme and music that is called Yoga Safari.
Length of class: 60 to 90 minutes; could be a 4 or 5 week course, or an 8 to 10 week course with two classes/element (allowing students to practice and improve different breathing techniques and asanas).