Sustain Your Yoga Workshop (This online workshop is cancelled as no one registered by the deadline of Nov 25 4:00 pm)

Learn how to sustain a healthy yoga practice as you age.  Informed by the science of biomechanics and studies of how to prevent yoga injuries, Jenny Feick of Nature Wise Yoga will guide you in applying principles from the YogAlign Method:  a mindful, alignment-conscious, breath-focused approach that allows you to practice yoga safely and improve your overall wellbeing, strength, and flexibility. This relatively new approach to Yoga combines special breathing techniques with self-massage, neuro-muscular retraining exercises, dynamic stretching, and a focus on natural functional postural alignment.  YogAlign builds core strength, releases muscle tension, and facilitates healthy posture and movement habits. 

YogAlign Method Spine Aligner
Sitting or exercising with poor alignment leads to poor posture, shallow breathing and chronic pain. The YogAlign Method uses poses that support natural posture with anatomically correct spine alignment such as this Spine Aligner with a Twist.

Whether you have just begun to practice yoga, have practiced for many years, or are a yoga teacher, you can benefit from learning YogAlign. Bring an open mind to fully benefit from this revolutionary approach to Yoga. 

Besides the two hours, 15 minutes of instruction and practice, participants receive an electronic version of the course manual as well as a depiction of YogAlign Method postures. Your investment is just $35.00.

Register with the Vic West Community Centre online, or by phoning 250-590-8922, or dropping by 521 Craigflower Road. Be sure to register by November 25 to ensure that this workshop proceeds.  One year when this workshop was offered in the spring, five individuals showed up on the day of the event but it had been cancelled as no one had registered by the day prior to the workshop. You must register in advance but you can pay as late as the day of the workshop.

The workshop will take place online via Zoom teleconferencing. After you register with the centre you will be sent an email with the link, meeting ID, and passcode, as well as a few questions to help the instructor custom tailor the workshop to you and other participants.

If you have not used Zoom teleconferencing to join a class using the Zoom software before, here is a link to a nice little instructional video that explains the process step by step.

Jenny Feick of Nature Wise Yoga doing the YogAlign Tree Pose (Vrksasana) in Banfield Park in Vic West. Besides improving one’s sense of balance, this joyful pose strengthens thighs, calves, ankles, and the muscles along the spine. Tree Pose also stretches the groins and muscles of the inner thighs, chest, and shoulders. It is reputed to relieve conditions such as sciatica and flat feet.

More Information About The YogAlign Method

In this YogAlign workshop, you will learn Structurally Informed Postural (S.I.P.) breathing techniques, a method of resistance breathing to inhale, as well as three to four exhalation techniques that tone the core and release tension in the jaws, neck, shoulders, upper back, and hips.  You will also experience ways to massage tissues to further release muscle tension, keep connective tissues supple, and increase blood circulation. You will learn different approaches to doing standard Yoga poses and flow sequences. You will pair breathing and movement with Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) exercises (concentric/eccentric muscle contractions) to use reflexes to assist muscles to relax, to help strengthen and stabilize muscles, to improve neuromuscular control, and enhance flexibility, mobility, and coordination. You will practice healthy posture habits and how to maintain natural spinal alignment in stillness and movement. You will pandiculate, i.e., stretch in a natural dynamic way that does not reduce the elasticity of your tendons, ligaments, and other connective tissues. You will feel like you are getting your “kid body” back as you play with these new techniques to move with ease and comfort. You will enjoy a deep relaxation at the end of each class to help rejuvenate your entire nervous system and to integrate the benefits gained from the physical exercise.

Date: Saturday, November 28, 2020
Time: 1:30pm - 3:45pm

Victoria West Community Centre

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